Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Superstition in Sport

After reading Aussie Golfer's superstition in golf, it got me thinking about some of the other superstitions in sport & whether some are routine or actual superstition?

Superstition or Routine?

Steve Waugh (cricket) always batted with the same red hanky in his pocket
Tiger Woods (Golf) always wears red on sundays (probably not at home) although apparently red is a lucky colour in Thailand which is where his mother is from
Michael Jordan (basketball) alway wore his old blue college uniform underneath his Chicago Bulls uniform
Turk Wendell (baseball) a former baseball pitcher used to chew liquorice while he pitched, but in between innings he would brush his teeth
The curse of the bambino, (baseball) happened when the Boston Red Socks traded Babe Ruth to the Yankees back before the 1920's and as it happened didn't win a World Series for another 86 years
The All Blacks (Rugby) perform the Haka before every game?
Valentino Rossi (Motorsport) goes through the same adjustment of his leathers before each race finishing with a pick at his bum, maybe just for comfort!!
Rafael Nadal (tennis)has his bum picking thing, Lleyton Hewith adjust nearly every item of clothing he wears and Novak Djokovic has to bounce the ball a certain number of times, something to the tune of 14 times before each serve!
Brett Kenny (Rugby league) always walked out last onto the ground, never ran!

In cricket there are several numbers refered to as the Nelson 111, 222 and so on, when team believed wicket was more likely to fall, in Australia the number is 87 the devils number 13 short of 100!

I would hate to think of some of the superstition that must exist in some of the Asian countries sporting teams, as the Asian culture does have all sorts of lucky number combinations and the like!

Superstitions, yes but it won't change the outcome, practice/routine will achieve more, whilst a golfer who believes he sank his putt god willing (Aaron Baddeley) is all well and good, but what does he think when he misses a putt?!

There are countless stories about people not shaving during a winning streak or not washing their playing socks or wearing the same undies, or putting the left pad on first and one that I remember from my cricket days and did all the time was not to play with a new piece of equipment unless you had tried it at training!

If you know any good ones feel free to let me know


Michael Green said...

Nice post!
Matthew Lloyd from the Bombers throws a handful of grass in the air everytime he kicks for goal.
Even when he plays indoors!

Unknown said...

I know that Sparky Anderson, the former Reds and Tigers skipper would never step on one of the chalk lines when going out to the mound. He was apparently a subscriber to the oldest of baseball axioms.

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