Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lote Tuqiri

So here is how I see it, John O'Neill (CEO Aust Rugby) signed Lote Tuqiri before the last World Cup, but his predecessor resigned him before the current World Cup to the biggest single contract of the ARU, supposedly $1million per season!!

Now we here that the ARU are going to make a loss this year of a couple of million, I think that O'Neill will try to have Tuqiri's contract torn up after his next alleged indiscretion, thus saving the ARU about $1m per year!! Tuqiri may not be the only one to go, but he is the highest profile and they'll site his off field problems which is directly linked to league culture and his failure to play up to his potential (linked back to off field behavior).

Lote, can you please do us a favour, when your out on the field pretend your still playing league and play with the instincts that made you the best winger (of both codes) in the world, the rugby coaches have turned you into a metronome of what they want in a winger, but not what they need!!

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